Hello, and a warm welcome to our website. We hope you find it informative and helpful. We are an independent collective advocacy project for people who use or have used the services of The Royal Edinburgh Hospital
As member volunteers we are patients and former patients of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. We have put together sections we thought other patients and former patients would find useful.
We aim to: Provide you with all the latest on our members and volunteers activities, working to represent the voice of patients and former patients.
1) Build the website into an online historical resource.
2) Ensure the site is easy to navigate.
3) Develop ways you can give us your opinion on subjects such as:
The hospital reprovisioning (re-building of the new hospital)
Smoking in hospital
Quality of care
Positive stories and what works well
Our Most Recent AGM Documents are available now – If you would like to read more please click HERE
Tips For New Patients
“You may find initial difficulty in mixing with others in the ward. While this is understandable and should be overcome in your own time it is important not to isolate yourself. The company of others in a like situation very often helps recovery as much as medical advice.”
“You may find yourself ‘labelled’
under one psychiatric term or another. If so, remember that these names are only aids to understanding. They in no sense define you or challenge your individuality.”
Stories Of Changing Lives III – Click Here to View
“The book focuses on the experiences of people who have longer stays in the hospital. They describe their journeys from hospital to community. They generously take us with them so we can learn from their experiences.”
Stories Of Changing Lives I I – Click Here to View
Please have a look at our publication. The booklet offers readers the opportunity to share the journeys from hospital into community of some of those who have suffered serious mental illness but have come to terms, in different ways with their situation. We hope you will find it inspiring.