An Annual General Meeting, commonly referred to as an AGM, is a formal meeting which we hold once a year, usually in November. It is good practice for charities to have an AGM to act as a review of the year and deal with issues such as the election of our management committee members and reviewing the annual accounts. The Patients’ Council has a section in its Constitution which deals with AGMs, and this gives guidance as to how the AGM should be run and what matters should be dealt with.

The AGM is also a good opportunity to communicate with members, partnersand other interested parties. We invite guest speakers who can share their expertise and knowledge about different mental health topics. We also havea buffet after the meeting.  Anyone interested can come to the AGM.

Annual General Meeting

2021 Date to be confirmed

Guest Speaker -TBC

You Can View All AGM Documents Here:


AGM Agenda 2020

AGM Letter 2020


AGM Agenda 2019

AGM Letter

Nomination Form Output