We welcomed Mike Ash from the IJB- Edinburgh Integration Joint Board who by using the new combined model of Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership hopes to offer a more effectively run system. This model will make a difference as to how we can influence things as a group in the future. Using a ‘bottom up’ approach it is going to look at how MH services are commissioned & will produce directions for NHS & Edinburgh City Council over the next 3-5 years. They aim to do this without additional resources, in order to better existing areas in a way which will benefit patients. Areas of improvement have included things like changing the general culture to recognise that MH is an issue affecting everyone; the importance of early intervention, service user involvement at all stages & in gathering data to drive things forward.
Our Annual Report was presented, with thanks given to everyone who is involved with us. Stephen Muirhead, Convenor of the PC Management Committee spoke of the need for paid work for some patients & mentioned the Open Dialogue system used abroad. We re-elected Martin McAlpine, Stephen Muirhead, Alison Robertson & Patricia Whalley & Mark Somerville as a new member of the MC. We said ‘Au Revoir’ to Maggie McIvor, our Development & Admin worker but will be delighted to welcome her back as a Co-opted member of the MC!