Poetry Corner Musings – Martin McAlpine

We laugh, we cry, we love, sometimes we hate,
The grassy field, we see the gate,
Should we enter, should we not, is it safe?
Could we be shot?
Or charged by an angry bull, have
We transgressed that golden rule
That says Stay! Stay away from here,
We know to avoid a fear.
We stay in our comfort zone, the place
We like to call home, offers solace, calm, and rest,
– My parents always did know best.
Now they are gone, a vacuum left,
I will always feel bereft,
Time though distances from the pain,
And healing will come again.
If reincarnation is the truth, and
Although we’ll never have the proof,
I am content to think this way
And enjoy my mug of Earl Grey.
Martin McAlpine